How to Make Blue Juice: Blue Pear Juice Recipes

Blue pea juice, extracted from the butterfly pea flower, stands out not only for its mesmerizing color but also for its numerous health-boosting properties. This enchanting elixir is derived from Clitoria ternatea, also known as blue pea, a climbing legume found across tropical and subtropical regions globally. Traditionally, its petals have been utilized in various traditional medicines to address diverse ailments and create vivid blue juice.

Blue Pea Juice and its Origins

Blue Pea Juice, also called Butterfly Pea Flower Tea, originates from Southeast Asia and is made from Clitoria ternatea flowers. Its vibrant color and health benefits have made it a cherished beverage for centuries. Popular in Thailand and Malaysia as a tea, its indigo hue comes from anthocyanins, providing both visual appeal and antioxidants.

With a flavor profile ranging from earthy to floral, it’s versatile, used in various drinks and desserts. Its color-changing nature with citrus or acidic elements adds a unique sensory experience, captivating consumers worldwide whether served hot or cold.

Health Benefits of Blue Pea Juice

Blue pea juice, with its abundance of antioxidants and flavonoids, holds significant promise in reducing inflammation, enhancing digestion, and fortifying overall immunity. Studies suggest its potential in promoting mental clarity and alleviating stress levels. The captivating blue hue signifies the presence of anthocyanins, potent compounds celebrated for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

What you need: Equipment and ingredients

To make blue juice with blue peas, Equipment, and Ingredients: you will need the following:

  • 1 cup of fresh blue pea flower petals
  • 1 Saucepan for boiling water
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1/2 cup of sugar
  • Lemon
  • Ice cubes
  • Juicer or blender

The Process: How to make blue juice

There are many ways to make blue juice, but all start with the same essential ingredients. Today, we’re going to show you how to make blue juice.

  1. Separate the flower petals: Collect fresh blue pea flowers and carefully separate the petals, ensuring their freshness for optimal color and juice extraction.
  2. Boil the petals: Place the petals in a saucepan with 1 cup of water, boiling until the water turns a rich dark blue. Let it cool before straining the juice through a sieve.
  3. Enhance the taste: Add lemon, sugar, honey, or other ingredients to personalize the flavor profile.
  4. Juicing: Pour the mixed ingredients into a juicer or blender, adding ice cubes for a refreshing touch. Blend for approximately one minute.
  5. Serving: Present the juice in a Mason Jar, garnishing with a lemon slice, mint leaves, or additional ice cubes for visual appeal.

Benefits of blue juice with blue pea

Blue pea juice offers multiple advantages, including aiding weight loss, improving heart health, and providing a rich source of antioxidants. Its anthocyanin content aids in reducing inflammation, boosting metabolism, and supporting heart health by lowering blood pressure.

How to Make Blue Juice - Blue Pea Juice
How to Make Blue Juice – Blue Pea Juice


Can I use frozen blueberries instead of fresh ones?

Absolutely! Frozen blueberries work just as well in this recipe. Simply thaw them before using them and proceed with the steps mentioned.

Can I substitute the pineapple with another fruit?

You can experiment with different fruits to create your own twist on blue juice. Some great alternatives to pineapple include mango, strawberries, or even a combination of various fruits.

How long does blue juice last?

Blue juice is best consumed immediately after preparation to enjoy its freshness and vibrant flavor. However, you can store it in a refrigerator for up to 2 days. Give it a good stir before serving if it separates.

Can I make blue juice without adding honey?

Certainly! The honey adds sweetness to the juice, but if you prefer a less sweet version, you can omit it or adjust the quantity according to your taste.

Can I use sparkling water instead of regular water?

You can use sparkling water to give your blue juice a fizzy and effervescent touch. It adds a delightful sparkle to the drink, making it even more appealing.

Is blue juice suitable for special dietary requirements?

Blue juice is naturally gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan-friendly, making it a versatile beverage for people with different dietary preferences.


Blue pea juice, easily crafted following the outlined steps, presents an enjoyable way to incorporate antioxidants and vital nutrients into your diet. Its versatility allows for independent consumption or inclusion in various recipes. With its remarkable color derived naturally from the butterfly pea flower, this beverage stands out as a visually stunning addition to any culinary repertoire.

Sergio Perez
About the author

I'm Sergio Perez, a food and juice lover from Atlantic Ocean, New Jersey. I love trying new things, especially when it comes to juice. I also have a passion for juicing and believe that it's one of the best things you can do for your health. If you want to make delicious and healthy juices and learn about juicers then you have come to the right place.

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