Masticating VS Centrifugal Juicer: A Comprehensive Comparison

Juicing is a healthy and convenient way to get the daily dose of vitamins and minerals you need. Two common types of juicers are masticating and centrifugal. Each has its advantages and drawbacks, making it essential to know the difference before buying.
While both juicers can extract nutritious juice, a centrifugal juicer works by shredding produce and using spinning force to extract liquid. In contrast, a masticating juicer slowly crushes vegetables and fruits, maximizing juice yield by minimizing oxidation.

Now, you can make an informed decision when purchasing a juicer that fits your lifestyle and juice-texture preference!

Masticating VS Centrifugal Juicer

Masticating Juicer

Masticating Juicer

Masticating juicers, also known as cold press juicers, work by using a slow-turning auger to crush and squeeze fruits and vegetables to extract the juice. This process is known as “masticating,” and it’s what gives the juicer its name. Masticating juicers are known for producing a higher yield of juice, which means you’ll get more juice out of your produce. Additionally, the slow-masticating process results in a higher-quality juice with a longer shelf life.

Centrifugal Juicer

Centrifugal Juicer

Centrifugal juicers, on the other hand, work by using a rapidly spinning metal blade to cut up fruits and vegetables and separate the juice from the pulp. The juice is then strained through a mesh filter. This process is much faster than masticating, making it a popular choice for those in a hurry. However, the high speed of the spinning blade can cause the juice to heat up, leading to oxidation and a shorter shelf life.

Juice Quality

When it comes to juice quality, masticating juicers generally produce a higher quality juice with a longer shelf life. The slow-masticating process results in less oxidation, which means the juice will retain its nutrients and fresh taste for a longer period of time. Additionally, masticating juicers are better at handling leafy greens, which are known for their high nutrient content.

Centrifugal juicers, on the other hand, tend to produce lower-quality juice with a shorter shelf life. The high speed of the spinning blade causes the juice to heat up, leading to oxidation and a decrease in the juice’s nutrient content.


In terms of efficiency, centrifugal juicers are the clear winner. They work much faster than masticating juicers, making them a popular choice for those in a hurry. However, masticating juicers are more efficient in terms of juice yield, which means you’ll get more juice out of your produce.

Noise Level

When it comes to noise level, masticating juicers tend to be quieter than centrifugal juicers. This is because the slow-masticating process is less noisy than the high-speed spinning blade used in centrifugal juicers.

Masticating vs Centrifugal Juicer: A Comparison Chart

Selecting a juicer that suits your needs can be an overwhelming task, but ultimately comes down to a choice between masticating and centrifugal models. When making this decision, it’s crucial to consider factors including juice quality, efficiency, and noise level. By taking these aspects into account, you can make a well-informed decision to ensure your desired juicing experience.

FeatureMasticating JuicerCentrifugal Juicer
Juicing ProcessSlow-turning auger crushes produceLower-quality juice with a shorter shelf life
Juice QualityHigh-quality juice with a longer shelf lifeLower quality juice with a shorter shelf life
EfficiencyHigher juice yield, slower processFaster process, lower juice yield
Noise LevelQuieterNoisier


In conclusion, the choice between a masticating and centrifugal juicer ultimately depends on your personal preferences and needs. If you’re looking for a higher quality juice with a longer shelf life, a masticating juicer may be the better choice. However, if you’re in a hurry and looking for a fast and efficient juicer, a centrifugal juicer may be the better choice. Consider your needs and preferences before making a purchase, and remember to always choose a juicer that fits your budget and fits your lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which juicer is better masticating or centrifugal?

Both masticating and centrifugal juicers have their pros and cons. The choice depends on your priorities, such as juice quality, speed, and budget. Consider your specific needs before making a decision.

Can masticating juicers juice leafy greens?

Yes, masticating juicers excel at juicing leafy greens, including spinach, kale, wheatgrass, and more. Their slow and gentle extraction process ensures maximum juice yield from these types of produce.

Are centrifugal juicers easy to clean?

Centrifugal juicers are generally easy to clean. Most models come with dishwasher-safe components and removable parts, making the cleaning process quick and convenient.

Do masticating juicers produce more pulp?

Masticating juicers often produce drier pulp compared to centrifugal juicers. The slow and efficient juicing process extracts a higher quantity of juice, leaving behind less residual pulp.

Are masticating juicers worth the higher price?

While masticating juicers tend to be more expensive, they offer superior juice quality, nutrient retention, and versatility. If these factors are important to you, investing in a masticating juicer can be a worthwhile long-term investment.

Sergio Perez
About the author

I'm Sergio Perez, a food and juice lover from Atlantic Ocean, New Jersey. I love trying new things, especially when it comes to juice. I also have a passion for juicing and believe that it's one of the best things you can do for your health. If you want to make delicious and healthy juices and learn about juicers then you have come to the right place.

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