How Does The Vitamix Juicer Work?

The Vitamix is a high-speed blender that is often used as a juicer. It uses a powerful motor and sharp blades to blend and puree fruits and vegetables, resulting in a smooth and homogenous juice. Unlike traditional juicers, Vitamix preserves the fiber of fruits and vegetables, resulting in a thicker and more nutrient-dense juice. In this article, we will explore the inner workings of the Vitamix juicer, discussing its functionality, features, and benefits.

How Does The Vitamix Juicer Work?

How Does The Vitamix Juicer Work?

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how the Vitamix juicer works.

Understanding the Basics of Juicing

Juicing involves extracting juice from fruits and vegetables to obtain a concentrated liquid filled with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It is a convenient way to consume various nutrients in a single glass. Juicing is often favoured by those looking to improve their overall health, boost their immune system, and increase their daily intake of fruits and vegetables.

Preparing the Produce

Before you begin juicing, it’s important to properly prepare your fruits and vegetables. Start by washing them thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris. If necessary, peel or remove any seeds or pits. Cut the produce into small, manageable pieces that will fit easily into the blender’s container.

Assembling the Blender

Next, assemble the blender according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This typically involves attaching the blending container to the motor base and making sure that the lid is securely in place.


Once the blender is assembled, turn it on and begin adding the produce to the container. Start with the softer fruits and vegetables such as berries or leafy greens, then add the harder fruits and vegetables such as apples or carrots. Use the tamper to press the produce into the blades and help create a smooth juice.


The Vitamix blender uses a high-speed motor and sharp blades to blend and puree the fruits and vegetables, creating a smooth and homogenous juice. The blender’s powerful motor can blend even the toughest fruits and vegetables with ease, resulting in a nutrient-dense juice that is smooth and easy to drink.


After juicing, it’s important to clean the blender thoroughly to prevent the buildup of bacteria and mold. Start by unplugging the blender and disassembling it. Rinse all parts with water and use a brush or sponge to remove any remaining bits of produce. Dry the parts completely before reassembling the blender and storing it away.


Can I use the Vitamix as a regular blender?

Yes, the Vitamix is a powerful blender that can be used to make a variety of different recipes, including smoothies, soups, and sauces.

Can I make nut milk with the Vitamix?

Yes, the Vitamix can be used to make nut milk by blending soaked nuts with water and straining the mixture through a nut milk bag or fine mesh strainer.

Can I juice leafy greens with the Vitamix?

Yes, leafy greens such as spinach, kale, and chard can be juiced using the Vitamix. They are a great source of vitamins and minerals and can be mixed with other fruits and vegetables for a flavorful juice.

How long does the juice stay fresh for?

The juice can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. However, it is recommended to consume it as soon as possible to get the maximum nutritional value.

How often do I need to clean my Vitamix?

It is recommended to clean the blender after every use to prevent the buildup of bacteria and mold. However, if you’re using the blender multiple times a day, you can clean it after each use.

Can I juice frozen fruits and vegetables?

Yes, frozen fruits and vegetables can be juiced using the Vitamix. However, it is recommended to thaw them first to prevent the blender from overworking and to get a smoother result.

How do I know when to replace the blades?

The blades will need to be replaced when they become dull or damaged. To check for dullness, you can try blending a small amount of food, if the blades are not able to blend it properly, it’s time to replace them.


Juicing with a Vitamix is a great way to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet. The blender’s powerful motor and sharp blades can blend even the toughest fruits and vegetables with ease, resulting in a nutrient-dense juice that is smooth and easy to drink. By following these steps, you can be sure that you’re getting the most out of your Vitamix and enjoying the freshest, most nutritious juice possible.

Sergio Perez
About the author

I'm Sergio Perez, a food and juice lover from Atlantic Ocean, New Jersey. I love trying new things, especially when it comes to juice. I also have a passion for juicing and believe that it's one of the best things you can do for your health. If you want to make delicious and healthy juices and learn about juicers then you have come to the right place.

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