How To Blend Meat In Blender? Blend Your Meat to Perfection!

Blending meat in a blender may seem like a strange idea, but it’s a great way to achieve a smooth and even texture. Whether you’re making meatballs, burgers, or sausage, blending your meat can make it easier to work with and can improve the texture and flavor of your dishes. In this article, we’ll take you through the process of blending meat in a blender step-by-step, so you can get the most out of your blender and create delicious, perfectly textured meat dishes every time.

Can You Blend Meat In A Blender?

Yes, it is possible to blend meat in a blender, but it is not the most efficient or ideal method. Blenders are primarily designed for liquids and softer foods, so while they can break down meat to some extent, they are not specifically built for heavy-duty grinding.

When using a blender to grind meat, it is important to cut the meat into small pieces and remove any bones, sinew, or tough connective tissue beforehand. This will facilitate the blender in processing the meat.

However, there are a few drawbacks to using a blender for grinding meat. Firstly, blenders typically have less power compared to dedicated meat grinders, so they may struggle with tougher cuts of meat. Secondly, the blender’s blades may not be as effective at achieving a consistent grind, resulting in unevenly ground meat. Lastly, the prolonged blending process can generate heat, which may affect the texture and quality of the ground meat.

How to Prepare Meat for Blending?

Preparing meat for blending is an important step in achieving the perfect texture and flavor for your dishes. Here’s how to prepare meat for blending:

  1. Choose the right cut of meat: When blending meat, it’s important to choose a cut of meat that is well-marbled and has a good amount of fat. This will help to keep your meat moist and flavorful during the blending process.
  2. Trim off excess fat and gristle: Before blending your meat, trim off any excess fat or gristle. This will help to ensure that your meat blends evenly and that you achieve the desired texture.
  3. Cut meat into small, evenly sized pieces: To make it easier to blend your meat and ensure that it blends evenly, cut your meat into small, evenly sized pieces.
  4. Chill your meat: For best results, chill your meat in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before blending. This will help to keep your meat firm and prevent it from becoming mushy during the blending process.

How To Blend Meat In The Blender?

1. Choosing The Right Meat

The first step in blending meat in a blender is choosing the right cut of meat. For best results, you’ll want to choose a cut of meat that is well-marbled and has a good amount of fat. This will help to keep your meat moist and flavorful during the blending process. Some good cuts to consider include chuck, ribeye, and sirloin.

2. Preparing Your Meat

Once you’ve chosen your meat, it’s time to prepare it for blending. Start by trimming off any excess fat or gristle, and cutting your meat into small, evenly sized pieces. This will make it easier to blend and will help to ensure that your meat blends evenly.

3. Blending Your Meat

Now it’s time to blend your meat. Start by adding your meat to your blender in small batches. Depending on the size of your blender, you may need to blend your meat in several batches. Be sure to pulse your blender on and off, rather than running it continuously, to avoid overheating your motor.

4. Achieving The Perfect Texture

The key to achieving the perfect texture when blending meat in a blender is to be patient and work in small batches. You’ll want to blend your meat until it reaches a smooth and even consistency, but be careful not to over-blend it, as this can result in a tough and chewy texture. Stop blending as soon as your meat reaches the desired texture, and repeat the process with any remaining batches of meat.

Meat Grinder Vs Blender – Which Is Best?

When it comes to blending meat, there are two popular options: a meat grinder and a blender. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and which one is best for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Here’s a comparison of meat grinders and blenders:

Meat Grinders


  • Grind meat to a specific texture: Meat grinders are designed specifically for grinding meat, which means you can achieve a specific texture depending on the size of the grinder plate used.
  • Can handle larger quantities of meat: Meat grinders are designed to handle larger quantities of meat at once, making them a good option for people who need to blend a lot of meat at once.
  • Can handle tougher cuts of meat: Meat grinders can handle tougher cuts of meat, making them a good option for people who want to use tougher cuts in their recipes.


  • More difficult to clean: Meat grinders can be more difficult to clean than blenders, as they have more components and require more time and effort to disassemble and clean.
  • More expensive: Meat grinders can be more expensive than blenders, especially if you’re looking for a high-quality, durable model.



  • Easier to clean: Blenders are generally easier to clean than meat grinders, as they have fewer components and can be easily disassembled and cleaned.
  • Versatile: Blenders can be used for a wide range of tasks, from blending soups and smoothies to grinding nuts and seeds.
  • More affordable: Blenders are generally more affordable than meat grinders, making them a good option for people who want to blend meat on a budget.


  • Limited texture options: Blenders are not designed specifically for grinding meat, which means that achieving a specific texture can be more difficult.
  • Smaller capacity: Blenders are generally designed to handle smaller quantities of meat at once, which can be a disadvantage for people who need to blend a lot of meat at once.

Overall, whether a meat grinder or a blender is best for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. If you need to blend a lot of meat at once and want to achieve a specific texture, a meat grinder may be the best option. If you’re looking for a versatile tool that can handle a range of tasks and don’t mind sacrificing some texture control, a blender may be the way to go.

Blender VS Food processor

When it comes to kitchen appliances, two popular options for blending and food preparation are blenders and food processors. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, and which one is best for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. Here’s a comparison of blenders and food processors:



  • Ideal for liquids and smoothies: Blenders are ideal for liquids and smoothies, as they can easily blend ingredients together to create a smooth, consistent texture.
  • Can handle hot liquids: Blenders can handle hot liquids, making them a good option for soups and sauces.
  • Can blend ice and frozen ingredients: Blenders are powerful enough to blend ice and frozen ingredients, making them a good option for frozen drinks and desserts.


  • Limited food processing options: Blenders are not designed for chopping, slicing, or shredding, which can be a disadvantage for people who want a tool that can handle a range of food preparation tasks.
  • May not handle tough ingredients: Blenders may not be able to handle tough ingredients like nuts and seeds, which can be a disadvantage for people who want to grind their own nut butter or make their own flour.

Food Processors



  • Not ideal for liquids: Food processors are not designed for blending liquids, which can be a disadvantage for people who want to make smoothies or soups.
  • May not blend ice or frozen ingredients: Food processors may not be powerful enough to blend ice or frozen ingredients, which can be a disadvantage for people who want to make frozen drinks and desserts.

Whether a blender or a food processor is best for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. If you want a tool that can handle liquids and smoothies, a blender may be the best option. If you want a tool that can handle a range of food preparation tasks and tough ingredients, a food processor may be the way to go.

How To Make Ground Beef Only With Blender

FAQ about blending meat in the blender

Can You Blend Meat In A Blender?

Yes, you can blend meat in a blender. However, it’s important to keep in mind that not all blenders are designed to handle meat, and blending meat in a blender can be more challenging than using a meat grinder or food processor.

To blend meat in a blender, it’s important to use a high-powered blender that can handle tough ingredients. You may also need to cut the meat into smaller pieces and blend it in batches to ensure a consistent texture. Additionally, it’s important to clean the blender thoroughly after blending meat to avoid any contamination or lingering meat odors.

It’s also worth noting that blending meat in a blender may not produce the same texture as using a meat grinder or food processor, which are specifically designed for grinding and chopping meat. If you’re looking for a specific texture, a meat grinder or food processor may be a better option.

Why is Blender Ground Meat Better?

Blender ground meat can be a good option for some recipes because it can result in a finer texture and more uniform consistency than using a meat grinder or food processor.

When you blend meat in a blender, the blades pulverize the meat into a very fine texture. This can be beneficial for recipes like meatloaf, where a fine texture is desired. Blender ground meat can also be a good option for making ground meat patties, as it can result in a uniform consistency that holds together well.

Another benefit of using a blender to grind meat is that it can be a faster and more convenient option than using a meat grinder or food processor. Many people already have a blender in their kitchen, so they don’t need to purchase an additional appliance.

How to Prepare Meat for Blending?

To prepare meat for blending, you want to chop it up into small pieces and then process it through a meat grinder. The meat should be cut into small pieces, about an inch square, and placed in the blender with a little bit of water or broth. Blend until smooth. Add more liquid if necessary. 

Can You Blend Steak?

Yes, you can blend steak in a blender, but it may not yield the desired results or texture you expect from a typical steak. Blending steak will significantly alter its texture and consistency, turning it into a ground meat-like mixture.

When blending steak, it’s important to cut the steak into smaller pieces before adding it to the blender. Remove any bones, sinew, or tough connective tissue to make the blending process easier. It’s also recommended to use leaner cuts of steak for better results.

Can You Mince Meat In A Blender?

Yes, you can mince meat in a blender, although it may not be the most efficient or ideal method. As mentioned earlier, blenders are primarily designed for liquids and softer foods, so mincing meat in a blender may not yield the same results as using a dedicated meat grinder or mincer.

To mince meat in a blender, it’s important to cut the meat into small, uniform pieces and remove any bones, sinew, or tough connective tissue. This will help the blender process the meat more effectively.

However, there are a few considerations when mincing meat in a blender. Blenders typically have less power compared to meat grinders, so they may struggle with tougher cuts of meat. The blades of a blender may also not be as efficient at achieving a consistent mince, resulting in unevenly minced meat.

Can You Blend Chicken In A Blender?

Yes, you can blend chicken in a blender. When blending chicken, it’s best to use boneless, skinless chicken breasts or thighs for easier processing. It’s also important to ensure the chicken is cooked thoroughly before blending.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to blend chicken in a blender:

  1. Cook the chicken: You can boil, roast, or grill the chicken until it is fully cooked. Make sure the chicken is tender and there is no pinkness or rawness remaining.
  2. Cut the chicken into smaller pieces: Allow the cooked chicken to cool slightly, and then cut it into smaller chunks or strips. This will make it easier for the blender to process.
  3. Add the chicken to the blender: Place the cooked chicken pieces into the blender jar.
  4. Blend the chicken: Put the lid securely on the blender and start blending. Use a pulse function or blend in short bursts to break down the chicken gradually. Stop periodically to scrape down the sides of the blender jar with a spatula.
  5. Check the consistency: Blend the chicken to your desired consistency. For a finer texture, blend it longer. If you prefer a coarser texture, blend it less. Be mindful not to over blend, as it can result in a pasty texture.

Does Fat Content Matter During Blending?

Yes, the fat content of the meat can impact the blending process and the resulting texture of the meat. Generally speaking, meats with a higher fat content will blend more easily than leaner meats, as the fat helps to lubricate the blades of the blender and keep the meat moving through the blending process.

Can You Grind Meat After It’s Cooked?

Technically, you can grind meat after it’s cooked, but it’s not generally recommended. The texture of cooked meat is very different from raw meat, and grinding cooked meat can result in a mushy texture that may not be suitable for all recipes.

Additionally, grinding cooked meat can be more difficult than grinding raw meat, as the cooked meat may be more prone to sticking together and clumping in the grinder. This can make it difficult to achieve a uniform consistency and may result in an uneven texture.

If you do need to grind cooked meat for a recipe, it’s best to choose a lean cut of meat and chill it thoroughly before grinding. This can help to keep the meat from becoming too soft and can make it easier to grind.

What’s the Best Meat for Blending?

The best meat for blending depends on the recipe you are making and the texture you are trying to achieve. In general, it’s best to choose a tender and lean cut of meat with minimal fat and gristle.

Good options for blending meat include chicken breast, lean beef (such as sirloin or tenderloin), and pork tenderloin. These cuts of meat are tender and easy to blend, and they also have a mild flavor that can easily be seasoned to suit your taste.

How to Fix Tough Meat?

Tough meat can be frustrating to deal with, but there are a few things you can do to make it more tender and enjoyable to eat.

  1. Marinate: One way to make tough meat more tender is to marinate it. A marinade can help to break down the tough fibers in the meat and infuse it with flavor. You can use a variety of ingredients in your marinade, such as citrus juice, vinegar, oil, and herbs and spices.
  2. Slow cook: Another way to tenderize tough meat is to slow cook it. Cooking meat at a low temperature for a long period of time can help to break down the tough fibers and make the meat more tender. You can use a slow cooker, a Dutch oven, or even a pressure cooker to achieve this.
  3. Cut against the grain: When cutting your meat, be sure to cut against the grain. This means cutting across the fibers of the meat, which can help to break them down and make the meat more tender.
  4. Pound with a mallet: If you have a particularly tough cut of meat, you can try pounding it with a meat mallet. This can help to break down the tough fibers and make the meat more tender.
  5. Use a meat tenderizer: Another option is to use a meat tenderizer, which is a tool designed to pierce the meat and break down the tough fibers. You can use a mechanical tenderizer or a chemical tenderizer, which uses enzymes to break down the meat.

Can You Adjust The Consistency of The Meat Using The Blender?

Yes, you can adjust the consistency of the meat using a blender. The blender can be a powerful tool for achieving a uniform and smooth texture, which can be ideal for certain recipes.

To adjust the consistency of the meat, you can vary the amount of blending time and the speed at which you blend the meat. If you want a coarser texture, you can blend the meat for a shorter amount of time or use a lower speed. Conversely, if you want a smoother texture, you can blend the meat for a longer amount of time or use a higher speed.

You can also add other ingredients to the blender to adjust the consistency of the meat. For example, you can add a small amount of liquid (such as broth or milk) to make the meat more moist and easier to blend. You can also add vegetables or other ingredients to give the meat more flavor and texture.

Can You Blend Steak?

Yes, you can blend steak in a blender. In fact, blending steak can be a great way to create a uniform and smooth texture that is ideal for certain recipes, such as meatballs, meatloaf, or hamburger patties.

To blend steak in a blender, start by choosing a tender and lean cut of steak, such as sirloin or tenderloin. Cut the steak into small cubes or strips, and then place them in the blender. You can add other ingredients to the blender as well, such as seasonings or vegetables, to add flavor and texture to the meat.

Blend the steak on a high speed for a few seconds at a time, checking the consistency after each pulse. Be careful not to over-blend the steak, as this can result in a tough and rubbery texture. You may need to scrape down the sides of the blender periodically to ensure that all of the meat is being blended evenly.

Can I Blend Raw Meat In A Blender?

Yes, you can blend raw meat in a blender. However, it is important to follow proper food safety guidelines when blending raw meat to minimize the risk of foodborne illness.

Before blending raw meat, make sure that your blender and any utensils or surfaces that will come into contact with the meat are clean and sanitized. It is also important to use a high-quality, sharp blender blade to ensure that the meat is blended evenly and thoroughly.

Can A Food Processor Grind Meat?

Yes, a food processor can be used to grind meat. In fact, a food processor is often a popular choice for grinding meat at home. It is more powerful than a blender and has specific blades and attachments designed for processing solid foods.

Can You Grind Meat In A Ninja Food Processor?

Yes, you can grind meat in a Ninja food processor. Ninja food processors are powerful appliances that can easily grind meat with their sharp blades and powerful motors. However, it’s important to use the right blade and follow the correct process for grinding meat.


Blending meat in a blender can be a great technique for achieving a smooth and even texture in your dishes. By choosing the right cut of meat, preparing it properly, and blending it in small batches, you can create delicious and perfectly textured meatballs, burgers, sausages, and more.

However, it’s important to note that blending meat in a blender is not the only option available. Meat grinders and food processors can also be useful tools for blending meat, depending on your specific needs and preferences. Ultimately, the key is to choose the right tool for the job and follow the proper techniques to achieve the best results. With these tips in mind, you can take your meat dishes to the next level and impress your family and friends with your culinary skills.

If you have any comments or suggestions, please let me know in the comments.

Sergio Perez
About the author

I'm Sergio Perez, a food and juice lover from Atlantic Ocean, New Jersey. I love trying new things, especially when it comes to juice. I also have a passion for juicing and believe that it's one of the best things you can do for your health. If you want to make delicious and healthy juices and learn about juicers then you have come to the right place.

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