How To Clean a Juicer? A Step-by-Step Guide

Juicing is a great way to get your daily dose of fruits and vegetables, but cleaning the juicer can be a tedious task. However, regular cleaning is essential to ensure that the juice produced is safe for consumption and to prolong the life of the juicer. This guide will walk you through the process of cleaning your juicer in a simple and efficient way.

How To Clean a Juicer

Cleaning a juicer is an important task to maintain the hygiene and longevity of the device. Not only does it ensure that the juice produced is safe for consumption, but it also prevents the build-up of bacteria and mould. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to clean a juicer:

How To Clean a Juicer effectively, follow these steps:

  1. Unplug the juicer and disassemble all the parts, including the juicer base, juicing bowl, strainer, pulp container, and any other attachments.
  2. Rinse the parts under hot water to loosen any food particles.
  3. Gently scrub the parts with a soft-bristled brush using mild dish soap, avoiding abrasive cleaners or scouring pads to prevent damage.
  4. Rinse the parts again under hot water.
  5. Dry the juicer parts with a clean towel.

Additional tips for cleaning your juicer:

  1. Clean your juicer after each use to prevent food particle buildup and bacteria growth.
  2. If you can’t clean it immediately, disassemble the parts and soak them in a water and dish soap solution.
  3. Ensure thorough drying of all parts to prevent mold and mildew growth.
  4. Regularly clean the removable filter if your juicer has one, as clogs can affect the taste of your juice.

Additional tips for dealing with stains:

  1. For stained parts, try soaking them in a mixture of white vinegar and water.
  2. Commercial juicer cleaners can also be effective for removing stains.
  3. After cleaning, rinse the parts thoroughly to remove any residue.
  4. Stubborn stains may require multiple cleaning attempts.

Importance of cleaning juicer regularly

We all love the convenience and health benefits that a juicer brings to our lives, but often overlook the importance of regular cleaning. Beyond just maintaining its appearance, routine cleaning is crucial for ensuring the longevity of your juicer and the quality of your freshly pressed juices. Neglecting to clean your juicer regularly can lead to buildup of pulp, seeds, and fibers inside its various components, which can not only affect its performance but also introduce bacteria and mold into your drinks.

Furthermore, keeping your juicer clean is essential for preserving the flavors and nutritional value of your fruits and vegetables. Residual pulp left in the machine can cause cross-contamination between batches, altering the taste and potentially causing spoilage. Additionally, a dirty juicer can impact the efficiency of juice extraction by clogging or damaging its parts. By making cleaning a routine part of using your juicer, you can ensure that each glass of juice you pour is as fresh and flavorful as it was meant to be.

Deep Cleaning Tips

When it comes to deep cleaning your juicer, it’s essential to pay attention to the small, often overlooked parts. Start by removing and disassembling all the removable parts of the juicer, such as the mesh screen, blades, and pulp container. Soak these parts in warm soapy water for at least 15-20 minutes before scrubbing them with a brush or sponge to remove any stubborn residue. For hard-to-reach areas, use a soft-bristled brush or toothpick to ensure thorough cleaning.

Additionally, consider using natural cleaning solutions like a mixture of vinegar and water to effectively remove mineral deposits or stains from your juicer components. The acidic properties of vinegar help break down limescale and other build-ups without leaving chemical residues that can affect the taste of your freshly squeezed juices. Finally, don’t forget about the exterior of your juicer – wipe it down with a damp cloth and mild detergent to keep it looking as good as new. These deep cleaning tips will not only prolong the life of your juicer but also ensure that each glass of juice is hygienic and flavorful.

How Often to Clean a Juicer?

The frequency of cleaning your juicer will depend on how often you use it. Generally, cleaning your juicer immediately after each use is recommended to prevent debris from drying and hardening. However, if you use your juicer daily, it’s a good idea to give it a deep clean once a week. This will remove any buildup of mold or bacteria that may have accumulated over time.

If you use your juicer less frequently, you can clean it after every few uses or once a month. But it’s essential to make sure to clean it before and after long periods of inactivity.

Ultimately, it’s important to pay attention to the conditions of your juicer and to clean it as often as necessary. If you notice any discoloration, bad smell or reduced performance, it is probably time to clean it.

Top 3 Tips on How to Make Cleaning Your Juicer Easier


How do I clean my juicer after each use?

After each use, rinse all parts of the juicer with warm water and dry them with a clean cloth. If you notice any tough stains or debris, use a brush or cleaning solution specifically designed for juicers to scrub the parts clean.

Can I put the parts of my juicer in the dishwasher?

It depends on the type of juicer you have. Check the user manual or the manufacturer’s website to see if your juicer’s parts are dishwasher safe. If they are not, it’s best to clean them by hand to avoid any damage.

How do I remove tough stains or debris from my juicer’s blades?

For tough stains or debris, you can use a brush or cleaning solution specifically designed for juicers. You can also soak the blades in a mixture of water and white vinegar for a few minutes before scrubbing them clean.

Can I use regular dish soap to clean my juicer?

While regular dish soap can be used to clean your juicer, it is recommended to use a cleaning solution specifically designed for juicers as it is formulated to clean the tough stains and debris that can accumulate on juicers.

How do I clean the screen of my juicer?

The screen of your juicer can be cleaned by gently scrubbing it with a brush or cleaning solution specifically designed for juicers. You can also soak the screen in a mixture of water and white vinegar for a few minutes before scrubbing it clean.

How often should I clean my juicer?

The frequency of cleaning your juicer will depend on how often you use it. It is generally recommended to clean your juicer immediately after each use and give it a deep clean once a week if you use it frequently. If you use it less frequently, you can clean it after every few uses or once a month.


In conclusion, cleaning a juicer is an important task that should be done regularly to maintain the hygiene and longevity of the device. By following the above steps, you can ensure that your juicer is clean and safe for use. Regular cleaning will also prolong the life of the juicer, saving you the cost of having to replace it sooner.

Regular cleaning of your juicer is essential for maintaining its performance and ensuring the production of healthy, high-quality juice. By incorporating good cleaning habits into your juicing routine, you can prevent the accumulation of residue and bacteria that may affect the taste and purity of your juice. Additionally, a clean juicer reduces the risk of clogging and mechanical issues, prolonging the lifespan of your appliance.

Sergio Perez
About the author

I'm Sergio Perez, a food and juice lover from Atlantic Ocean, New Jersey. I love trying new things, especially when it comes to juice. I also have a passion for juicing and believe that it's one of the best things you can do for your health. If you want to make delicious and healthy juices and learn about juicers then you have come to the right place.

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